Comments on: The Entertainment Generation Creative Technology Magazine Thu, 07 Feb 2019 08:48:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: babyenvie Tue, 12 Apr 2016 17:03:08 +0000 Nowadays, we forget to live and spend all our free time online. We forget to have “real” relationships, and we start to live for likes on Instagram and Facebook and it’s been killing us. No one talks anymore, we spend time online.

By: Rens Wed, 04 Mar 2015 15:15:32 +0000 Wow, it’s all so recognizable! The first bit I experienced as well just a year ago. Just moved, everyone checking out the place, looking for things I didn’t have (yet). And when I had them later on, there was still something wrong.

However, for me it already started a long time ago, consuming every bit of media possible and available. Started out as CDs, mostly downloaded back in the old days where my dad had to help me out with the huge process. Later on it was music on mp3 players and youtube videos. And now, it’s just everywhere, all the time. My smartphone, and everyone else’s for that matter, functions as mp3 player or even music streaming, plays all my favourite YouTube channels and displays every interesting article on gadgets and hardware.
When at home, at ‘work’ (Protopolis) and everywhere else, there’s always music on. It’s actually even without a choice, like music in stores. Sometimes it’s only at night when there is complete silence.
Up to the moment when my phone tells me there is a new video by Rhett&Link, of course.
